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B. Lombardo Drabek spent many a night gazing up at the moon. Perhaps that is where she got the idea during lunch duty one day to ask her pre-k students, "If the moon was made out of spaghetti and meatballs, would you eat it?" The game continued day after day but with a variety of entertaining results.  The beauty of making lunch duty fly by while interacting with hundreds of children under the age of six? Priceless, Mrs. Drabek no longer enjoys lunch duty as often because she is now the principal at St. Rose of Lima Catholic School in Houston, Texas.


By B. Lombardo Drabek

Would you eat the moon if it was made out of one of your favorite foods? Even if it was made out of ice cream? This book invites children to look up at the night sky and use their imagination to create a moon out of their favorite food. Written by B. Lombardo Drabek, and illustrated by Jonathan Jones, If the Moon is sure to capture your child’s attention and teach reading readiness along the way.

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